MicroStation Help

JT Exporter Dialog, JT Options Tab

Used to specify how you want to convert the geometry from a DGN file to a JT file. The tab appears in the JT Exporter dialog.

Note: The JT export feature utilizes a new exporter engine. Currently, only the following options are supported:
  • Export Text
  • Use ACS
  • Export Brep/Mesh

Chord Tolerance Used to set the chord tolerance of the output mesh. It is in master units. The smaller the number, the finer the mesh will be. The chord tolerance is applied before the angle tolerance.
Angle Tolerance Used to set the maximum angle for the mesh elements. The smaller the angle, the more detailed the output will be. You should not set this to a value greater than 45 degrees.
Min. Line Length Used to set the minimum line length that can be exported. It is in master units. This is useful for eliminating points. Because a point is a zero-length line, a value of zero can be used to eliminate points.

In the *.jt file that stores your export settings, this value is stored under "Point Tolerance".

JT version Used to set the JT version to be used for exporting the file. The default is Auto.
Reference Nesting Used to set the reference file nesting depth. A value from zero (0) to five (5) can be used. The default is one (0).
Facet Primitives If on, facets are added to primitive shapes. If off (default), MicroStation 3D primitive shapes are exported as JT primitive shapes.

You should not need to use this option unless your data includes primitive shapes that were not generated by MicroStation.

Instancing Cells with the same name are treated as shared cells.
  • If Instancing is selected, then cells and shared cells in DGN file will be stored only once in the JT file, even if they had been placed multiple times in the DGN file.
  • If Instancing is not selected, then cells and shared cells that had been placed multiple times in the DGN file will be placed and stored separately in the JT file.

The default is on. It is recommended that you leave it this way because it will reduce the file size and increase performance.

Export 2D Elements If on, 2D planar shapes are exported as 2D elements. If off (default), 2D planar shapes are exported as faceted surfaces.

This option should be used only when 2D elements are needed in the JT file.

Clip Volume If on, all the DGN data, including the files and models are exported as a facet set. All the references are merged into a single JT file.
Level Association If on, level node is added to the tree of JT hierarchy structure.
Drop Cells If on, nested cells and shared cells are dropped and treated as basic geometry elements and the hierarchical structure of the cells is removed. This reduces the size of the exported JT file.
Export Dimensions If on, dimension elements are exported.
Export Text If on, text and text node elements are exported as PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) notes.
Remove Small Feature If on, removes small features such as holes of size lesser than the value set in the Chord Tolerance setting.
JT File Organization Used to select the option for viewing the structure of geometry in the exported JT file. The default is set to By Level, which helps in reducing the size of exported JT file.
  • By Assembly - Grouping physical elements in accordance with the elements of the original iModel (keeping Assembly/subassembly structure).
  • Flat List - Grouping physical elements of every model that are exported as a flat list (model is the parent node).
  • Flat List, with levels - Grouping physical elements as for value 0. Additionally, elements are grouped by level (category) for every model.
  • By Level - Grouping physical elements by level (category). Under each node elements are exported as a flat list.
Export levels of detail If on, surface and solid entities are faceted by high, medium, and low precision and exported as three level of details, namely "Lod 1", "Lod 2", and "Lod 3". You can set the tolerance values for each level of detail in the list box below this check box.
Use ACS If on, allows you to select an ACS from the drop-down list. The geometry is exported with respect to the coordinates of this ACS.
Export Brep/Mesh If on, allows you to export solid entities such as SmartSolids and feature solids as one of the following:
  • Brep Only - Solid entities such as SmartSolids and feature solids are exported as solids rather than as facets. Curve elements are exported as parasolid wire bodies. If you want to make additional modifications, these solids can be imported into other CAD applications that support JT B-rep. This option is not recommended for JT visualization because the resulting JT file will be larger.
  • Mesh Only - Small file size but you would lose properties of SmartSolids or feature solids.
  • Brep and Mesh - Combines Brep and mesh data representations for expanded compatibility, but with larger file size. It is recommended to use specific data types options when possible.